Law Firm: BLC
Absandze Lola Office phone: (+995 32) 2 99 97 55; 2 99 57 97 Mobile: 598700090 E-mail: Service Area: Business Law Law Firm: BLB
Law Firm: McGill
Law Firm: BGI Legal
Law Firm: Chargeishvili Law Inn
Dateshidze Niko Office phone: (+995 32) 2 99 97 55; 2 99 57 97 Mobile: 598123656 E-mail: Service Area: Business Law Law Firm: BLB
Law Firm: GLCC Law Firm
Law Firm: VBAT
Law Firm: BLB
Lawyer/Natural Person
Law Firm: Grata International Georgia Llc
Law Firm: Georgia Legal Partnership (GLP)
Law Firm: GLCC
Law Firm: Nodia Urumashvili and Partners (nplaw)
Company: PricewaterhouseCoopers Georgia (PWC)
Company: EY Georgia
Mghebrishvili Tengiz Office phone: (+995 32) 2 99 97 55; 2 99 57 97 Mobile: 599224119 E-mail: Service Area: Business Law Law Firm: BLB
Law Firm: Legal Consulting and Services (LCS)
Skhulukhia Mariam Office phone: (+995 32) 2 37 93 00; Mobile: 597 78 49 19; E-mail: Service Area: Civil (private) and Administrative Law; Business Law; Contract Law; Mediation. Law Firm: Chargeishvili Law Inn
Vashakidzde Mariam Office phone: (+995 32) 2 99 97 55; 2 99 57 97 Mobile: 555805508 E-mail: Service Area: Business Law Law Firm: BLB
Lawyer/Physical person