Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) with the Participation of ALFG

On December 6, 2019, following the model of a Scientific-Advisory Board, a discussion was held at the Plenum Hall of the Supreme Court of Georgia with the participation of the Association of Law Firms of Georgia.

The session was headed by Mzia Todua, Acting Chair of the Supreme Court, Chair of the Cassation Chamber of Civil Cases.

The subject matters discussed inside the boundaries of the session were proposed by the Association of Law Firms of Georgia and were designed as follows:

  1. a) formulation of a case by a judge, scope of restriction of the right to referencing facts; b) a distinction between the standard of reversal of the proof of security of a claim and the standard of security of a claim c) voidable or indisputable voidance of a transaction concluded following the coercion – adherence to the periods of limitation and rescission;

The toughness of the first issue has been presented by Irakli Kordzakhia, a lawyer and a member of ALFG, a partner of the Joint & Several Liability “Kordzakhia, Zhgenti Law Firm”.

  1. The second issue – the judgment and significance of a friend of the court (amicus curiae) in civil proceedings, the necessity for an institution of a friend of the court in civil proceedings – was raised by ALFG member, EY Georgia associate partner, lawyer Giorgi Svanadze and Head of the Analytical Division of the Supreme Court Marine Kvachadze. Participants were handed a brochure prepared and published by the Analytical Division of the Supreme Court entitled “The Role of the Friend of the Court Institution in the Litigation Process.”
  2. The third issue of the agenda was dedicated to the consideration of existing case law pertaining to Article 37 (1) (g) of the Labor Code of Georgia. The case has been reviewed by Lasha Nodia, a member of ALFG, a managing partner of the “Nodia, Urumashvili & Partners Law Firm”, and Sandro Jorbenadze, Head of the National Court Practice Study and Generalization Division.

The presentation of each and every issue culminated with an acute debate backed by judges, ALFG member lawyers and representatives of invited scientific circles.

Following the end, an Acting Chairperson of the Supreme Court, Mzia Todua, summarized the work of the session. She expressed her appreciativeness towards ALFG for its effort bringing out the questionable issues, reiterated the prominence of the format of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), its role in developing and fortifying, all parties involved in litigation on the one hand, and on the other hand, the justice practice in general, and said that the Supreme Court always stood willing to partake in the meetings of this format.

About 30 lawyers of the Association of Law Firms of Georgia were present in the session of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).